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Vreeland Legal, Inc., is comprised of a group of highly skilled legal assistants, paralegals, private investigators, and expert witnesses in every aspect of criminal, civil, and immigration law as it applies to all state / federal courts in the United States of America, and its territories.

Vreeland Legal, Inc., has immediate access to more than 1,000,
000 lawyers across the United States of America and its territories who specialize in criminal, civil, and immigration law and the state and federal rights of incarcerated persons.

Vreeland Legal, Inc., has, in addition to our own in-house legal assistants, paralegals, private investigators, and expert witnesses, access to more than 150,000 house legal assistants, paralegals, private investigators, expert witnesses, and extremely skilled attorneys at law in the criminal, civil, and immigration fields.

Vreeland Legal, Inc., and its associates have more than 75 years of legal experience in assisting state and federal incarcerated persons in their efforts to seek and obtain justice, release from illegal incarceration, relief from unconstitutional conditions of confinement, released from immigration detention, as well as well-deserved relief from police/state or federal agent abuses and misconduct.


Vreeland Legal, Inc., understands that after conviction or immigration detention there is basically no state or federal right to counsel. Other than appointment for direct appeal there is no right for appointment of counsel to assist in researching and drafting post-conviction claims and litigation, no right to counsel in civil litigation except in very rare circumstances, and when in immigration detention, the lawyers appointed usually don't provide speedy solutions to seek release from confinement.

At Vreeland Legal, Inc., we understand that jails, prisons, and detention centers may have law libraries, or access to the equivalent, 90% of the time the incarcerated person does not know how to properly use these limited resources.

Reviewing a case looking for errors and violations of law and right, legal research, deciding what claims are valid and which are not, and then how to draft the claims, what forms to use and how to file the legal documents can be extremely overwhelming for an incarcerated person or their loved ones with no counsel, but these are the very basics of what incarcerated persons without lawyers require to protect their rights and secure release or relief in their specific circumstances.

At Vreeland Legal, Inc., we assist incarcerated persons and their loved ones with every aspect of the litigation process, and basically do it all as a “Pro Se Partner” with the unrepresented incarcerated person and their loved ones.

As detailed in the next section the incarcerated person or their loved one becomes a member of Vreeland Legal, Inc., private client group. After joining, the client can do one of two things; One, send a letter to Vreeland Legal, Inc., on the pre-printed question forms you will be sent once you become a member, and on those forms you detail the legal issue and mail it in; or Two, the member sends an e-mail or text message detailing the legal issue the client is facing.

After detailing the issue, the member asks Vreeland Legal, Inc., questions about what the law says about the issue, and can detail what questions the client needs answered in regard to whatever the state or federal issue the client is facing.

Vreeland Legal, Inc., receives the details and questions and then sends an electronic response via Securas, ViaPath, JPay letter, or whatever tablet the facility offers the incarcerated person.

Vreeland Legal, Inc., also provides written documents when required, or printed forms, by US mail. If the client has valid claims to file in a state or federal court regarding criminal post-conviction, appeal, civil litigation, or immigration claims, the client is then sent all the required legal forms with instructions on how to complete the forms and file the claims. If there is any confusion regarding what needs to be done, all the client needs to do is send a text or e-mail to Vreeland Legal, Inc., and an answer is provided.

Vreeland Legal, Inc., acts as a “Pro Se Partner” with the unrepresented incarcerated person and their loved ones, walking the client through each and every step of the legal process just as if Vreeland Legal, Inc.,  was the Pro Se incarcerated person.
Once you obtain your membership further detailed instructions and question forms will be sent to you via US mail or electronically, depending on what electronic communication is provided at the facility the member is incarcerated at.
The paper and/or electronic forms the member receives from Vreeland Legal, Inc., asks basic questions about the member’s situation. The member then sends them in for review and response and the members’ litigation is on its way to the courthouse. Remember all of this can be done through the tablet or e-mail or text device that the facility you are incarcerated at provides you.

Vreeland Legal, Inc., offers incarcerated persons different avenues for assistance.


Pro Se Motion Typing and Filing Service:


This service involves assisting individuals who are representing themselves in court (pro se litigants) with the preparation, typing, and filing of legal pleadings. Pro se litigants may have difficulty navigating the legal system and understanding the procedural requirements for filing pleadings. This service provides them with practical assistance in drafting and submitting these documents based on the words and arguments prepared by the pro se party. The focus here is on administrative support, helping pro se litigants effectively present their legal issues to the courts.


Full Case Evidence Review and Assistance as a Pro Se Partner:


This service goes beyond administrative support and involves a more comprehensive review of the  case, evidence and documents. This review is mostly conducted by legal assistants and private investigators. As a "pro se partner," Vreeland Legal Inc. will collaborate closely with the pro se litigant to develop legal strategies suggested by the pro se party, identify relevant case law, and craft persuasive arguments. The ultimate goal is to help the pro se litigant present a strong case in court, potentially leading to a favorable outcome. Additionally, this service can involve efforts to secure representation by one of our associated attorneys, at state expense, if it is determined that having legal counsel is necessary or beneficial for the case.


A Full Case Evidence Review is where we meticulously examine all aspects of your case with you.


Following this review, we provide an report and evaluation of your case's merit and discuss potential next steps with you and your family. It's important to note that we cannot offer legal representation ourselves, but we can assist you as a pro-se partner.


Rest assured, we strive to ensure that all our members receive thorough and diligent support in their legal matters. In this situation we ask you to write us a letter detailing the entire case, what you want to achieve and would like to file, and what you want in it. Send us all documents in support.


We also make efforts to try and get whatever there is out there that you tell us is available and we read everything. We then put it all together and, if we discover something, we draft a pleading with you. We send it to you and have you review it. If you like it, you sign it and mail it to the courthouse, if you want it edited, you tell us and we do that as well. If there are documents that need to be obtained from a different source, we reach out to gather them for you as well. It’s a Pro Se Partner Program, so we are doing it all with you, every step of the way.

All membership levels receive any and all free forms that the state, federal, or immigration court requires the member to complete in order to commence any litigation, or to obtain records the members requires. The member does not pay for return postage regardless of postage fees, Vreeland Legal, Inc., pays those fees. To be clearer, no matter what the form is that the client needs, if they ask Vreeland Legal, Inc., for that form they will receive that form for free as a member of Vreeland Legal, Inc.

If a member has a valid case, and is seeking assistance of counsel for a case, or an expert witness, private investigator, legal assistant, or paralegal, these services can also be obtained in several ways through Vreeland Legal, Inc.

As an example, the member can pay for the service if the member can afford it. If the member cannot afford to pay for the service, Vreeland Legal, Inc., will assist the member with seeking court appointed services and payment for obtaining access to legal assistants, paralegals, lawyers, expert witnesses, private investigators, and any other service the client needs for their case. In most cases this means that Vreeland Legal, Inc., will contact one of its affiliate lawyers, legal assistants, paralegals, private investigators, or expert witnesses, and seek their appointment by the court or their services on a contingency fee basis.

If you or a loved one is incarcerated and is tired of crooked lawyers and public defenders who refused to protect your rights or the rights of the incarcerated person, Vreeland Legal, Inc., is here for you.

Your family member can click HERE to become a member or go to, and join for you there, or if your receiving this advertisement on your tablet, click the link below, or fill out the secured enrollment application you have received via institutional mail. Don’t forget to include your membership fee!

Your membership packet and questions forms will be sent to you within five business days of receipt of payment of membership dues, along with your membership packet you will receive access to Vreeland Legal, Inc., secured website. With your password, although you are incarcerated, your loved ones can access the site and present your questions electronically. If you wish to do so in this fashion, this means you receive a faster response from Vreeland Legal, Inc.

The Vreeland Legal, Inc., website also offers a list of the very best legal resource books available as well as access to state and federal court rules practices and procedures.

All forms of communication between Vreeland Legal, Inc., members and Vreeland Legal, Inc., staff is 100% confidential and will not be shared with any person and or state or federal agency without the members express written permission.

If you or your loved one is incarcerated and feel hopeless, do not know what to do, give Vreeland Legal, Inc., a chance to help you find what you are looking for. The answers you seek to what the law says about your situation cost about the same as a book of postage stamps.

Don't sit back and give in, fight for your rights, your life, your freedom, and join Vreeland Legal, Inc., today.

Vreeland, President of Vreeland Legal, Inc.

Diaz, Vice President of Vreeland Legal, Inc.

What Vreeland Legal, Inc., Offers

For the Unrepresented Prisoner or Family Member





Vreeland Legal Inc.
871 Thornton Parkway
P.O. Box 271
Thornton, CO

Vreeland Legal Inc.

© 1999 Vreeland Legal Inc

Vreeland Legal Inc.
871 Thornton Parkway
P.O. Box 271
Thornton, CO

Tel: 720-730-8993

    Please read our terms and conditions.

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